Participated in implementation of researches in collaboration with:.

  1. SRP/MOH: An epidemiology and communication / education strategy for childhood prevention of schistosomiasis (funded by US-AID) and  Schistosomiasis Research Project –SRP- of the Egyptian Ministry of Health : includes utilization of epidemiologic / parasitologic / behavioral / biological economic markers in the of the impact of an integrated education intervention program. The project include communication through both quantitative method, qualitative method (focus group discussion) and educational program. (In conjunction with faculty from both the epidemiology Department. High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University, and Community Health Science Dept, UCLA School of Public Health  ( 1993-1996).   
  2. FECS/cairo. Egyptian Fertility Care Society. Prevalence of infertility in Egypt, 1993 -1994.
  3. Rational use of drugs for common childhood diseases in Egypt (funded by UNICEF/EGYPT): integrated community and pharmacy-based epidemiologic, social and behavioral study of practices of mothers of sick children. (in conjunction with faculty from both the Epidemiology Department, High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University, and the Community Health Sciences Dept, UCLA School of Public Health). 1994-96. WHO/EMRO: Towards Polio Eradication in Alexandria (1995).
  4. American University center for Social researches, Population Council Regional Office for North Africa and West Asia & Assuit University. Adolescents and social changes: Health status, educational achievement, economic roles and socialization of adolescents in Egypt. 1997 -1998.
  5. WHO/EMRO. Epidemiologic evaluation of immunization against hepatitis B vaccine in Egypt. 1999.
  6. WHO / Eastern Mediterranean Region. Supervision of the field on a number of National Immunizations Campaigns for Polio in Tanta and Kafr el-Sheikh governorates.  * role: Supervision the field on a number of national campaigns to vaccinate children against polio in the provinces of Tanta and Kafr el-Sheikh. This follow-up in the field of national immunization days in a sample of villages in the governorates in order to calculate the proportion of coverage, vaccination of children who have not been vaccinated. The report on the coverage rate was raised to the Ministry of Health and Population.
  7. Participate in the study of KAP of health care workers in Alexandria about HIV /AIDS in 1995.
  8. Participate in the study to re-evaluate the state of health, social and environmental "Area Homeless Fishermen", Alexandria governorate. Organized by the High Institute of Public Health, for the 1999-2000 academic year to study all the problems of health, environmental and social deployed region * Role: Participate in the designing and supervision of research form a team of student researchers during field research and data collection.
  9. Participate in the survey of health and social and environmental destruction to the areas of El- Tobjee krmoz area. Within the Institute's plan for the joint field training program for students of Diploma and Master of the second semester of the academic year 2000 - 2001 and the objectives of the research was to assess the situation of health, social and environmental survey in the field. * Role: participation in the design and supervision of research form a team of student researchers during field research and data collection.
  10. Participate in the survey of "Health, Environmental and social state of Prince tribal" within the Institute's plan for field training program for students of Diploma and Master of the second semester in the academic year 2001-2002. The objectives of research to assess the situation of health, social and environmental survey in the field. Role: participation in the design of a form of research and will supervise a team of students during field research and the collection of data review and preparation for statistical analysis.
  11. Participate in the survey of "Health, Environmental and Social factors of Daif village, Behara governorate". And within the Institute's plan for the joint field training program for students of Diploma and Master of the second semester of the academic year 2001 - 2002 and the objectives of the research was to assess the situation of health, social and environmental survey in the field.
  12. Participation in several health education campaigns on the most important health problems among school adolescents in Jeddah, such as smoking and drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, skin diseases and problems of menstruation. Role: review of forms of research and supervise a team of students during health education.
  13. Participate in the supervision of submission and assessment of students in the subject of health education in schools and through which many of the topics that interest young people, such as nutritional problems, the problems of their menstrual cycle, smoking, addiction, sexually transmitted diseases.
  14. Participate in the preparation and training of students to provide health education (files, brochures, computer disks, manuals) and support to serve the community through field survey of the Section on topics such as violence against children, a generation without diabetes, the eradication of dengue fever, etc.
  15.  Consultant of student's Club scientific research to students the College of Medicine King Abdulaziz University, and to provide topics in epidemiology, medical statistics, as well as the work of research projects.
  16. Assist  "the Hands United Group" (one of the committees of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth) in the analysis of data from the field of health and social situation of the population of the ligaments of the province of Jeddah.

آخر تحديث
2/17/2011 12:29:45 PM