Teaching postgraduate programs (Diploma, Master’s and Doctoral degree Candidates) at The High Institute of Public Health, Alex. University
Teaching methodology and different research methodology to the postgraduate students of the HIPH who are practicing on field surveys.
Teaching pharmaco-epidemiology and field methodology for postgraduate students of the degree of doctor in clinical pharmacy (Pharm D), Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University.
Teaching epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases for some delegates from Arab countries.
Teaching undergraduate students in Technical Health Institute (MOH&P).
Teaching postgraduate students of the Faculty of Nursing ( epidemiology and field methodology)
Teaching statistical analysis using SPSS package for post-graduate students , epidemiology department, HIPH, Alexandria University.
Teaching epidemiology, Public Health at Family and Community Medicine department, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SA.
Teaching epidemiology, biostatistics, statistical analysis and research methodology for post graduate students in pharmacology department, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SA.
Teaching Epidemiology and Public Health for post-graduate medical students studying for Arab Board Medical Degree. Jeddah SA.(2004)
Practical and clinical training for the fifth year medical students in Family medicine.
Clinical and practical training for students of the fifth and sixth year, Department of Paediatrics ( Well baby Clinic )
Practical and clinical training for students of the Nursing Colleage in Well baby Clinic, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Teaching second and third year medical students (musculoskeletal system, endocrine, respiratory system, gastrointestintal tract) using Problem Based learning approach.(PBL)
Supervision of Bio-statistics, epidemiology and research methods for Scientific Research Club students - King Abdul Aziz University.

Teaching method:

Problem –based learning (PBL).  
Case- based learning (case scenario)
Learning through using audio-visual aids.

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2/17/2011 11:09:09 AM